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More than a lowering kit | Why an air suspension is right for your Harley

More than a lowering kit | Why an air suspension is right for your Harley

David Straughan
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Motorcycle lowering kits have become a hot-ticket item over the past few years. And it’s no surprise. Everyone loves a dropped-down motorcycle. Harley-Davidson motorcycles especially can’t be beat when it comes to that awesome lowrider look. However, lowering your Harley usually means some painful and permanent modifications to the bike. But there is an alternative. Motorcycle air suspensions allow you a greater deal of control when it comes to the ride height of your Harley. They also do so much more than that.

Lowering your bike is definitely part of the appeal

Before we go any further, let’s get this out of the way: a good motorcycle air suspension does a fantastic job of lowering your bike. If that’s the only reason you’re considering installing one, that’s a good enough reason as any. A well-built motorcycle air suspension like the EZ Rider system will allow you to drop your bike down on command. They also allow you to control how much you want to lower your motorcycle. For anyone that’s ever driven a lowrider bike, you can probably imagine some situations where that would come in handy. If you haven’t, understand that a lowrider bike is going to scrape. As fun as it can be to cruise around dropped down, you put some of your components at risk doing so. Other lowering solutions, like removing a seat linkage, permanently alter your bike. An air suspension gives you the flexibility to decide when and where to lower your bike.

Increased comfort

Many of you have experience with an air suspension in a car. These active suspensions do an excellent job of dampening dips and bumps in the road. The result is a smooth, easy ride that doesn’t wear you out over long distances. Motorcycle air suspensions are the same. Compressed air allows for greater dampening control versus metal springs. EZ Rider motorcycle air suspensions also allow you to adjust the firmness of your ride. Different riders have different preferences. This adjustable air suspension allows you to adjust the ride to your own personal comfort preferences.

Better performance

If you’re the type to put a lot of miles on your Harley-Davidson, you know that road conditions are forever changing. Wouldn’t it be useful to be able to adapt to those changes? The EZ Rider motorcycle air suspension allows you to do just that. As mentioned earlier, you can adjust both the ride height and the stiffness of the suspension. Whereas a lowering kit leaves you unprepared for some kinds of riding, this kit allows you to prepare your bike for changes in the road. Hitting a long straightaway? Soften that suspension up and enjoy a smooth cruise. Approaching some hairpins on a mountain road? Tighten up for more responsive handling and braking. The ability to adjust your Harley’s relationship to the road means you get to focus more on driving and taking in the scenery. It will also save some of your other components some wear and tear as it lightens the load.

So many benefits

If you want to lower your Harley-Davidson, you do have options. But as you can clearly see, some of those options are better than others. An EZ Rider motorcycle air suspension gives you the ability to adjust both the ride height and the stiffness of your suspension. With that ability comes the ability to greatly improve the style, performance and comfort of your Harley-Davidson. Compare that to other lowering solutions that leave your bike poorly suited for many riding situations. The best part is that an air suspension doesn’t cost that much more than other lowering options. For as little as $349 you can purchase this reliable, robust basic air ride kit from Strutmasters. The fully adjustable Ultimate kit, which allows you to adjust everything with the flip of a switch, is available for as little as $659. Whether you’re looking to add style, performance, or comfort to your Harley, Strutmasters has what you need. Order online now or call one of our Suspension Experts at (866) 664-0252 to make sure you get the best possible solution for your Harley-Davidson. Strutmasters offers air ride solutions for the Dyna Glide, Softail, V-Rod, Sportster and many other Harley-Davidson models. To learn about even more benefits of EZ Rider Motorcycle Air Suspension, click here.

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